In Flow of Words

WTFF6 – Short Films Competition

By Eliane Esther Bots
The Netherlands, 2021, 22’
o.v. English, Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Italian subtitles

Italian Premiere

May 9, 2022, 6.30 PM, Cinema Odeon – Nuova Sala Lampertico – online tickets

In Flow of Words

Synopsis In Flow of Words follows the narratives of three interpreters of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. They interpreted shocking testimonies from witnesses, victims, and perpetrators, without ever allowing their own emotions, feelings and personal histories to emerge. Unlike the stance they hold while working at the court, this film puts their voices and experiences under the spotlight.

Director’s bio-filmography Eliane Esther Bots (1986) graduated cum laude from the Master of Film at the Netherlands Film Academy in Amsterdam and works as a lecturer of Moving image at the University of the Arts in Utrecht. Her films have been screened at festivals such as IDFA, Berlinale, Cinema du Reel, New York Film Festival, International short film festival Oberhausen, Go Short, Kassel Dokfest.


Directed by Eliane Esther Bots
Screenplay Eliane Esther Bots
DOP Daniel Donato
Sound Sergio Gonzalez Cuervo
Editing Eliane Esther Bots
Production Manon Bovenkerk
Distribution Square Eyes
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