Prunelle – The Apple Of My Eye

Prunelle – The Apple Of My Eye, François Szabowski, France, 2020, 19’
Fiction, o.v. French, Italian & English subtitles

WTFF5 – International Competition Short Films


Michel, an eye surgeon, is devastated by the loss of his daughter. The arrival at the emergency service of the man who caused his daughter’s death turns upside down his moral positions. Should he use the power of life and death he has on his patient in order to avenge his daughter, or should he respect the Hippocratic Oath and heal him? He has the time of the operation to make his decision.

Director’s bio-filmography
François Szabowski (1977) started shooting films as a teenager, then worked 15 years as a writer, publishing a dozen of novels and short stories. He went back to movies in 2016. Among his latest short films: À la racine (2018), Merci, Nadège (2016), Johnny, ou les infortunes de la vertu (2016)


Directed by François Szabowski
Screenplay François Szabowski
DOP Raphael Federer
Sound Guillaume Pellerin
Editing Jonathan Lago Lago
Sound Editing Jonathan Lago Lago
Music Benjamin Bossone
Cast Michel Delcampo, Juliette Behar, Rémy Scaramuzzino
Production MDC Production