No Place

Lugar Algum / No Place, Gabriel Amaral, Brazil, 2019, 23’
Fiction, o.v. Portuguese, Italian & English subtitles

WTFF5 – International Competition Short Films +

Lugar Algum

When Nego discovers that the cacao farm where he lives and works on is going to be sold, he must face not only the loss of his home and job, but also the daily contact he has with the land he cherishes so much. The film deals with the hierarchical and co-dependent relationship between employer and employee, within the context of a developing country where the power one holds over the other is often unconscionable.

Director’s bio-filmography
Gabriel Amaral (1980) is a British-Brazilian filmmaker. After graduating from New York Film Academy (2004), he produced, directed and edited commercials and corporate films through his production company, 3c Films. Prior to re-locating to São Paulo, Brazil (2011), he attended the Stella Adler Acting Conservatory in New York. His debut feature as screenwriter is slated for a cinema release at the end of 2020.


Directed by Gabriel Amaral
Screenplay Gabriel Amaral
DOP Jerome Kim
Sound Debora Murakawa
Editing Caroline Leone
Sound Editing Martin Grignaschi
Music Rodrigo Trevisan
Cast Flavio Bauraqui, Sergio Siviero
Production Gustavo Morozini
Distribution aug&ohr