Y, Michele Cardano, Italy, 2017, 23′
Documentary o.v. Italian, subtitle English

April 29th, 2018, 4.30 pm, Ridotto del Teatro Comunale di Vicenza – Premiere

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Matteo is 27, is a biodynamic farmer who aims to self-sufficiency and produced rap music. Irene is a just graduated young woman, who teaches in the Middle School. Maurizio builds bells. Silvia performs with puppets at theatre and in the evening she promotes products for the feminine sexuality. They all belong to what the sociologists call the Generation Y, which aims to give meaning to life, inventing new jobs or recovering old ones.

Director’s bio-filmography

Michele Cardano (1991) is graduated in Literature and Philosophy and attended Directing class at Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti in Milan. He’s worked as director’s assistant in advertising, collaborated at Cattleya, and directed commercials for Mondadori, Tim and Dolce&Gabbana.


Director Michele Cardano

Screenplay Michele Cardano, Michele Grossi, Asja Vallifuoco, Enrico Zinesi

Cinematography Alberto Cammarano, Otilia Cobzaru, Gloria Famlonga, Filippo Passarini

Sound Giacomo Beltrami, Gabriele Cardullo, Matteo Gaetani

Editing Alessandro Belotti, Sabrina Camelia

Sound Editing Giacomo Beltrami, Gabriele Cardullo, Matteo Gaetani

Music  Trevor Something “I came for you”

Production and Distribution Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti

Website http://www.fondazionemilano.eu/cinema/