Dr. Fatma

Dr. Fatma, Narcisse Youmbi, Cameroon, Algeria, 2017, 13′
Documentary, o.v. Arabic, French, subtitles Italian

May 1st, 2018, 4.30 pm, Ridotto del Teatro Comunale di Vicenza – Italian Premiere

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Dr. Fatma
Dr. Fatma

Dr. Fatma, an Algerian gynaecologist and midwife, will take us into the difficult medical universe of young mothers-to-be, examined by the doctor.

Director’s bio-filmography

Narcisse Youmbi (1981) is a Cameroonian filmmaker. After graduating in Management studies from the University of Douala, he returned to his passion, which is comics and animated images. In 2010 he directed his first animated film, The hunter and the antelope, which received several awards in Africa and abroad. He runs a Production company based in Algiers, where he currently resides. As a director and producer, he’s made several short films, commercials and corporate films.


Director, Screenplay, Editing Narcisse Youmbi

Cinematography Lamel R. Laribi

Sound  Koceila Tayeb

Sound Editing Yacine Bouazi, Narcisse Youmbi

Music Sami Ammari

Production Institut français Algerie

Festival Premieres Plans d’Angers

Website http://drfatma.youmbinarcisse.com/

Social media https://www.facebook.com/Dr.fatma.le.film/