
Klondike – Web series marathon, La Buoncostume (Carlo Bassetti, Simone Laudiero, Fabrizio Luisi, Pier Mauro Tamburini), Italia 2015

A portfolio series. A project series. A blummer series.

Cinema Primavera, sunday 1st may 16.30

Title Klondike
Ep.1 “Una giornata di lavoro” – 19:39
Ep.2 “L’età fertile” – 17.45
Ep.3 “In caso di lavoro non pagato” – 12.49
Ep.4 “Stagismo” – 14.28
Ep.5 “Il tempo delle mail” – 12.32
Ep.6 “La tosse” – 11.45
Year 2015
Country Italy
Genre Comedy
Language Italian
Director La Buoncostume (Carlo Bassetti, Simone Laudiero, Fabrizio Luisi, Pier Mauro Tamburini)
Screenwriter La Buoncostume
DOP Dario Fortunato, Lorenzo Lucchini, Riccardo Petrillo
Sound Enrico Destro
Editing Luca Previtali, Dario Fortunato
Sound Editing La Buoncostume
Music La Buoncostume
Cast Carlo – Carlo Bassetti, Fabrizio – Fabrizio Luisi, Federica – Federica Vai, Il Commercialista – Rosario Lisma, Enrico – Enrico Pittaluga, Camilla – Camilla Semino Favro, Segretaria – Eleonora Giovanardi
Production La Buoncostume
Distribution La Buoncostume
Awards Best Production Roma Web Fest 2015, Rai Fiction Prize Roma Web Fest 2015, Best Web Series Roma Web Fest 2015
Website www.labuoncostume.it

Carlo and Fabrizio are two italian thirty year old freelances. Vaguely creative, smart but spoiled, restless but lazy, they jump from one not-really-a-work to the next. Off-time is never off, every relationship is a daring experiment, they never work too much, but there’s no time left for anything else. They dream of Hollywood, while designing the logo for a wood factory at the outskirts of Milano. Klondike tells the story of this self-employed generation with the metaphor of the gold rushers, living in dire conditions, looking after a dream of wealth and glory: for each one who came back with his gold lump, the other ninetynine died of pnuemonia.


Director’s bio-filmography
La Buoncostume is an authors/actors collective. Since 2008 we create entertainment and fiction for traditional and new media. We wrote Il Candididato (Rai 3), Kubrick – Una storia porno (YouTube), 98 episode of Camera Cafè (Italia 1) and 119 episodes of Piloti (Rai Due). For the web we created Klondike, Di come diventai fantasma e zombi, Faccialibro, La deriva del panda and Pong. We operate in Roma and Milano.