Combat Trauma Bag

WTFF6 – ExtraWorks Competition

By Lorenzo Picarazzi
Italy, 2020, 4’
o.v. no dialogues

May 14, 2022, 6 PM, Caracol Olol Jackson

Combat Trauma Bag
Synopsis A typical day in a metalworking factory, from the point of view of the machinery. From the first light of dawn until the time of cleaning, the rhythm of the music moves the machinery at its leisure. The music track is Combat Trauma Bag – CTB, a bonus track from AKA’s first album (AKA, Auand, 2019).

Director’s bio-filmography Lorenzo Picarazzi (Milan, 1990) grew up on Lake Maggiore and returned to Milan in 2010 to study philosophy at the Università Statale and then film and video at the Accademia di Brera. He works as a video operator and editor, making short films, documentary films, video clips, and video documentation.


Directed by Lorenzo Picarazzi
Screenplay Lorenzo Picarazzi
DOP Lorenzo Picarazzi
Editing Lorenzo Picarazzi
Sound Editing Renato Grieco
Music Luca Sguera, Malstrom
Production Red Lights Video