
WTFF6 – Feature Films & Medium-length Films Competition

By Nina de Vroome
Belgium, 2021, 98′
o.v. Dutch, Slovene, English, Italian subtitles

Italian Premiere

May 9, 2022, 9 PM, Cinema Odeon – Nuova Sala Lampertico – online tickets


Synopsis While dancing, bees tell each other stories about the world around them. People also claim a role in those stories, sometimes very close and intimate, sometimes distant and on an industrial scale. Nina de Vroome’s thoughts also swarm with the bees: from the smallest cell in a honeycomb to the global economy, her essayistic nature documentary Globes charts the bond between humans and bees.

Director’s bio-filmography Nina de Vroome (The Netherlands, 1989) graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent as a film-maker. Her film A Sea Change (2016) premiered at Visions du Réel in Nyon. The short documentary A Dog’s Luck (2018) was presented at WTFF4. She is a writer for Sabzian, a Belgian magazine on cinema. As a teacher she is involved in various educational projects.


Directed by Nina de Vroome
Screenplay Nina de Vroome
DOP Ruben Desiere, Nina de Vroome
Sound Nina de Vroome, Lennert De Taeye, Jordan Dykstra
Editing Dieter Diependaele, Nina de Vroome
Sound Editing Sabrina Calmels
Music Jordan Dykstra, Gwenaël Grisi
Cast Robert Varney, Anja Bunderla, Brane Kozinc, Victor Kojan,
Production Lotte Van Craeynest, Blauwhuis
Distribution Avila Film