Working Title Film Festival 6: photos

Six days full of screenings, Q&As, talks, masterclasses and conviviality. The sixth edition of Working Title Film Festival, a film festival about work, returned to bring together audiences, guests and jurors from May 9 to 14, 2022, in the venues of Cinema Odeon, Porto Burci and Caracol Olol Jackson in Vicenza. In these photos, taken by Ilaria Trees Meridio, we recall the six-day festival.

Day 1 – May 9, 2022

Screenings and Q&As at Cinema Odeon. Guests: Raffaella Rivi (Più de la vita) and Nina De Vroome (Globes).
Photos by Ilaria Trees Meridio.

Day 2 – May 10, 2022

Screenings and Q&As at Cinema Odeon. Guests: Federico Francioni (Rue Garibaldi) and Chiara Rigione (Dentrorsa).
Photos by Ilaria Trees Meridio.

Day 3 – May 11, 2022

Screenings and Q&As at Cinema Odeon. Guests: Chiara Andrich & Andrea Mura (Transumanze), Guglielmo Trupia from ENECEfilm (La distanza).
Photos by Ilaria Trees Meridio.

Day 4 – May 12, 2022

Screenings and Q&As at Cinema Odeon and talk “Focus China” at Porto Burci. Guests: Ivan Franceschini & Tommaso Facchin (Boramey, Made in China Journal).
Photos by Ilaria Trees Meridio.

Day 5 – May 13, 2022

Screenings and Q&As at Caracol Olol Jackson. Tommaso Perfetti, Pietro De Tilla & Guglielmo Trupia from ENECEfilm are the protagonists of the masterclass “The egg in the henhouse: 10 years of ENECEfilm”.
Vittoria Soddu & Chiara Campara present AMP. Note per una pratica di autogestione. After that, a talk with the volunteers of Ambulatorio medico popolare in Milan and Caracol Olol Jackson in Vicenza.
Photos by Ilaria Trees Meridio.

Day 6 – May 14, 2022

Screenings, Q&As and Award Ceremony at Caracol Olol Jackson.
Guests: Riccardo Palladino (Il silenzio del mondo) and Ilaria Pezone (Ritratto temporale I – Maurizio), Fabrizio Yang, Davide Maria Furlan and Diana Russo (Young Jury), Rossella Schillaci and Lorenzo Casali (ExtraWorks Jury), Marco Zuin (Short Films Jury, with Maria Iovine), Filippo Ticozzi (Feature & Medium Length Films Jury, with Sara Fgaier), the awarded filmmakers Federico Francioni (Rue Garibaldi), Vittoria Soddu & Chiara Campara (AMP. Note per una pratica di autogestione), Nicolas Gourault (VO), Eliane Esther Bots (In Flow of Words), Tommaso Perfetti & Guglielmo Trupia from ENECEfilm (La distanza).
Photos by Ilaria Trees Meridio.